issue assets with custom fields

+2 votes
star-chain1: issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 '{"coinInfo":"star demo currancy"}'
{"method":"issue","params":["1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN","starCoin",1000,0.01,{"coinInfo":"star demo currancy"}],"id":"55980680-1564500170","chain_name":"star-chain1"}

error code: -1
error message:
value is type obj, expected real
star-chain1: issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 '{"coinInfo":"sta"}'                 

error code: -1
error message:
value is type obj, expected real
star-chain1: issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 '{"coinInfo":"sta"}'


When I issue assets with custom fields ,the response always return error code -1,please help for this issue and thanks in advance.
asked Jul 30, 2019 by STAR

1 Answer

0 votes

There's a native-amount parameter in the middle that you're not providing – see the docs here:

Unless your chain is using a native currency, you can pass a value of 0 for this parameter.

answered Jul 31, 2019 by MultiChain
but is indicated 0.01 the native-amount parameter ?
star-chain1: issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 '{"coinInfo":"star"}'
No, that's the smallest transactable unit. The documentation linked to explains this.
I have checked this document before,but it indicated 5 parameters for issue command:
address name|params
qty (units=1)
 issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 '{"coinInfo":"star"}'
could you please give me an example with right paramters including "native-amount" ?
The documentation shows six parameters, example:

issue 1bLYDknsUUzdBZB11M72niYNTuEitpuyG6GpTN starCoin 1000 0.01 0 '{"coinInfo":"star"}'