Multiple outputs to the same address with the same asset

+2 votes

Hi Multichain folks,

I've been using the rawtransaction APIs to build raw transactions before broadcasting them to the blockchain. When specifying outputs the format is:

{[address] : {[asset] : 100}} 

this format of output means that it is impossible to specify 2 outputs going to the same address with the same asset.

Is it possible to have 2 outputs with the same asset going to the same address in the same transaction by calling appendrawtransaction twice, once for 1 output and the second time for the other output?

asked Mar 21, 2019 by StevenChan

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, it's possible to have multiple outputs going to the same address if you use appendrawtransaction, just not with the first createrawtransaction or createrawsendfrom command.

answered Mar 21, 2019 by MultiChain