First it would be very interesting to know the use case for this (in technical terms, no need to share the application information), to see how it could best be covered in future. In particular, who is able to change this configuration, and what kind of information does it contain?
Anyway for now there is no neat solution for this kind of need. But there are a couple of workarounds where you can have global state which is tracked by every node, and accessible for reading from a stream callback:
- For simple boolean configurations, you can grant/revoke a custom permission (high1, etc...) to a particular address and check that permission in the filter using verifypermission.
- For general JSON configurations, create an asset which is open for reissuance, and use issuemore to update that asset's metadata. This metadata will be accessible in the filter using getassetinfo. You probably don't want to use this for metadata that changes more than (say) 100 times in total, because of the time it will take to build the callback response.