Follow-on issuances with edtability

+1 vote
The new API 'issuefrom', provides capability to add further custom fields to a previously issued asset. Would it be possible for the issuer to edit the existing custom fields that were previously created during the original issuance of the asset?

For example, say if Node A, has issued an asset with the custom field, '{"TestField":"1"}'. At a later point in time, can Node A issue additional units of the asset (say 0 units), but with corrected existing field value, '{"TestField":"2"}', using issuemore API call?
related to an answer for: Asset creation and validation
asked Mar 20, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

0 votes

You can do this sort of thing, but right now you have to handle it at the application level. Essentially when deciding on the "final" characteristics of an asset, you would iterate over the custom fields from each of the issuances given by listassets, and overwrite any values with the most recent version.

We did think about doing this in MultiChain itself, but felt it didn't fit the paradigm of a blockchain as an immutable append-only record of transaction history. In other words, the old values of those fields will always be there in the blockchain, so it seems more sensible to make those values explicitly visible through the API.

Though maybe in future we'll add some output to listassets which does this summarization for you.

answered Mar 21, 2016 by MultiChain