Remote Connection fails

+1 vote


I tried to set up two MultiChain nodes on two different Windows-PCs within my network (with private ip addresses) and everything went fine so far. I could establish a connection between those two nodes by using the nodes' wallet addresses, create und subscribe to a stream on the other node etc.

Then I tried to set up a new blockchain on an external server (Windows Server 2012) with a public ip address. (exceptions for the given ports and my public ip address from which I try to connect to the server are already considered in the firewall)

Now I'm trying to establish a connection from one of my internal nodes to the external node by using:

multichaind chain1@[publicIPAdress]:[port / port for API request]

But I just get an error message:

MultiChain 2.0 beta 1 Daemon (latest protocol 20006)

IO error: C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\MultiChain\chain1\permissions.db\MANIF
EST-000015: Das Handle ist ungueltig.

ERROR: Couldn't initialize permission database for blockchain chain1. Probably m
ultichaind for this blockchain is already running. Exiting...

Could you help me to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.

asked Jan 15, 2019 by noname

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

This error means that the node is already running for this chain1 blockchain. It sounds like you may have started a new blockchain, in which case you should choose a different name, so that the separation is clear for this computer that connects to both.

answered Jan 16, 2019 by MultiChain
Thank you for your support. I changed the chain's name and now the connection is working.