
+1 vote
hello everyone,
I just wanted to understand process of mining in multichain as i had gone through white paper and still reading documentation of multichain so i had understand how mining works in multichain permissioned blockchain .
But my question is like:
Let's say user has send transaction in network that is in json format for example


so i just wanted to understand how this transaction data gets validated by miner in the permissioned network?
Can you give me any example where i can say multiple parties involved and they are doing some sorts of tranasction which i mentioned above and data gets validated by miners and then its added to chain..
Any help highly appreciated....

Thanks ,
Khetesh Rotangan
asked Jan 2, 2019 by kheteshrotangan

1 Answer

0 votes
If you want to validate data, this is not specifically the job of miners, but of every node in the network. The miners job is to order and package transactions into blocks and they don't do any more verification than anyone else.

For data validation we recommend you take a look at stream filters, detailed here:
answered Jan 3, 2019 by MultiChain