disabling the wallet

+1 vote
If i set this as true "  -disablewallet         Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls"

what exactly happens in terms of functionality. Can I get the same effect using this plus " issue asset " as I would with " createrawtransaction " or does something else happen?
asked Mar 11, 2016 by SlobodanMargetic
also what does:
  -keypool=<n>           Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)
represent? is this the pubkeys for adresses wallet can send to or private keys for spending assets in the wallet?
ok i found that the keypool actualy generates public and private keys to be used in the future. so i guess an addon to the question would be if this value is 100 is that 100 public plus 100 private keys or 100 in total and how many keys are "spent" when i issue and asset via
multichain chainname issue adress asset name 1000 0.01 ?
also if all the keys from the pool are spent is my asset insertion going to stop until a new key pool is filled with 100 keys or are they now going to be added into keypool 1 by 1 as i keep generating new assets in a loop. And if the latter is happening  is there a way for me to manualy initiate keypool to fill up before continuing with asset insertion.
also again ofcourse what is the max value for keypool since i dont want to run tests with illegal values

1 Answer

0 votes

I wouldn't recommend disabling the wallet since most MultiChain API operations require the node to have an active wallet which is holding the keys which sign the transactions created. The key pool is only used up for the getnewaddress API call so unless you're planning to have thousands of addresses in one node's wallet, you should leave it on the default.

answered Mar 11, 2016 by MultiChain