Portability between versions 1 and 2.

+2 votes

i'm using the very nice "Multichain" version 1.0.6, 10011. I get notice about 2.0 with some more features. I read in other question of this Q&A that 2.0 supports deterministic system. What does it mean in term of transactions and mining system used by 1.0.x? Will we be able to still use the "traditional api functions" or will there be radicals changes? I use Multichain because every node does transactions independently and isn't influenced about the result of any other...


Thank you very much
asked Oct 10, 2018 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
In terms of APIs (and everything else) MultiChain 2.0 is very close to 100% backwards compatible with 1.0. You can see the section entitled "Incompatible API changes" on this page for a full list of incompatibilities:

answered Oct 11, 2018 by MultiChain