Is it possible for Multichain software to share a blockchain with other software?

+2 votes
I was discussing blockchains in general and Multichain in particular with someone, and the question came up - Is it possible for Multichain software to share a blockchain with other software? After a quick search through the documentation I could not find any answers, hence asking my question here. Is it possible? If so, are there any limitations?
asked Aug 9, 2018 by tony.marston

1 Answer

+1 vote
No, I don't think it's possible for any permissioned blockchain platform today to share a blockchain with a different platform – the industry is a long way from this level of standardization. And I'm not sure it should be aiming for it any time soon, since each blockchain platform has different capabilities, a different consensus model, different cryptography and so on – these are things which effectively prevent standardization. It's a bit like want a Git client to be able to connect to a Subversion repository.
answered Aug 9, 2018 by MultiChain