Asset with such name/asset-ref/txid already exists - Part 2

+1 vote
On Feb.14 I have asked a question about getting this error:

"Error: The transaction was rejected: 16: Asset issue script rejected - asset with such name/asset-ref/txid already exists":

and your answer was:

"Thanks for reporting this. As it happens, we're already aware of the issue, which occurs when lots of assets are issued before their issuances have been confirmed in the blockchain. It will be fixed in the next alpha version - for now you can work around it by introducing an artificial delay between creating each asset."

We have yestarday upgraded from alpha 15 to alpha 16 version and the same issue is present.
When tried to issue 1000  assets using a loop, we get 15-20  assets rejected with the same error.
When tried to issue 10000 assets we get 1500 assets rejected.

In your response you say: "... which occurs when lots of assets are issued before their issuances have been confirmed in the blockchain...". That tells me this issue is due to internal working of the multichain as of now, and not much we can do about it - introducing an artificial delay between creating each asset is not really an option.

Just by any chance, is there any other setting that we can set in e.g. multichain.conf that may help in resolving this issue. Is there a way for us to control the values of asset-ref or txid (name is definitely unique) programatically when issuing assets.
asked Feb 26, 2016 by nprnic

2 Answers

+1 vote
As you say, it's an internal issue, and I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about it in terms of configuration. It was also present in alpha 16 and will be fixed in alpha 17, scheduled for release in the next week or so.
answered Feb 26, 2016 by MultiChain
0 votes
FYI alpha 17 was just released with the fix for this problem. Thanks for your patience.
answered Mar 3, 2016 by MultiChain