Simulation of BitCoin BlockChain

+1 vote
Hi Community,

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses.  I'm trying to craft a security simulation around bitcoin using multichain.  I'd like it to include "BrainWallets" "BitCoin ATMs" and "regular bitcoin wallets".  What I'm wondering is two things:

If you were me what open projects would you fork to achieve this?

Is there a way to simulate the same exact genesis hashes and things as bitcoin?  For the sake of being able to use pure bitcoin apps against multichain.


Thanks in advance.
asked Feb 26, 2016 by Andrew Krug

1 Answer

0 votes

Sorry for the delayed reply. You can use MultiChain to recreate a bitcoin-like blockchain, by following the instructions here with two changes.

The changes are:

  1. Use a different default-network-port, otherwise this node might accidentally be discovered by genuine bitcoin nodes and its blockchain will be overrun.
  2. Don't use as the seed, but rather start a new blockchain on one node using that params file, and then connect to that node from the others.
answered Feb 29, 2016 by MultiChain